Reputation – HCPs: Research and Development

Read more about how healthcare professionals see the pharmaceutical sector’s contribution to research and development

The majority of HCPs believe the pharmaceutical sector helps deliver positive outcomes for health through developing new medicines and listening to healthcare professionals.

“I think [Pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK] manage quite well their position in our world. They respond very well to the current crisis so my opinion is mostly positive.”
Hospital Pharmacist

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Pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK…

These views are reinforced by positive perceptions of the sector’s commitment to safety, contributions to research and development, investment in skilled staff and cutting-edge technology.

“From those operating within the UK it is reasonable to assume that the standards of quality and processes will meet the standards set and maintained.”
Chief Pharmacist

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Pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK…

HCPs also believe the sector contributes to wider society in the UK through more than its medicines and vaccines: by creating jobs, positively contributing to the economy, and addressing societal challenges and issues.

“I deal with the representatives and always find them to be open and honest.”
Nurse Prescriber

Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK…

Last modified: 20 September 2023

Last reviewed: 20 September 2023