Reputation – HCPs: Relationship with the NHS

Read more about how healthcare professionals view the relationship between the pharmaceutical sector and the NHS

Healthcare professionals believe the industry supports the NHS.

The relationship between pharmaceutical companies and the NHS is thought to be working well. Around three in four healthcare professions believe pharmaceutical companies support the NHS with treating patients, and over two in three feel the sector is committed to developing new medicines to help meet people’s needs.

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Pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK…

“It is not something I have a great deal of knowledge of, to be honest with you. I would not know anything about the profits and the shareholders… They do not hide anything, the information is there if you want to go out and find it.”


Awareness of the Voluntary Scheme on branded medicines is limited but it leads to uplifts in positive perception of accessibility and fair pricing

Most HCPs admit they don’t know much about medicine pricing. While awareness of the ABPI’s Voluntary Scheme on branded medicine (VPAS) is limited, those who are aware have more positive opinions on pricing and accessibility. Nine in ten agree that the VPAS keeps the branded medicine bill affordable for the NHS and improves patients access to medicine.

Furthermore, during a follow-up qualitative study, HCPs were directly asked about medicine pricing and transparency. Those who feel more familiar with medicine pricing (usually hospital pharmacists) tend to speak positively about how the sector deals with pricing and transparency.

For those who don’t know much about how medicines are priced, there is a general understanding that pricing is complex, but negotiated by the NHS. They give the sector the benefit of the doubt and assume they could find more pricing information if needed.

Last modified: 20 September 2023

Last reviewed: 20 September 2023