Reputation – General Public: Sector image

Read more about the image of the pharmaceutical sector among the general public in the UK

In addition to the research and development of new medicines and vaccines, the public are positive about other aspects of the sector.

People view pharmaceutical companies as ‘high-tech’, particularly in terms of their workforce and the medicines they produce. Companies are also praised for having rigorous safety standards. Those who trust the sector believe that it is well-regulated, while a majority believe that it ensures its medicines and vaccines are safe.

Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK employ highly skilled staff

Medicines in the UK
reflect the latest, cutting
edge technology

Pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK ensure the medicines they produce are safe

We know a lot about where our food comes from these days and battery farms and chickens etc. and don’t eat that. What about the journey of our medication? Where is it started? What have you processed this with? Who have you tested it on? Why is it so high in price? I think that whole journey is just missing. General Public Respondent

A lack of understanding of what the sector does drives uncertainty about how transparent it is

However, people feel that pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK could be more transparent about their operations – particularly pricing and the process of creating new medicines. Currently around half of the public are unsure if the sector is transparent about its activities. This opinion largely stems from a lack of understanding about how the sector operates, and some confusion between pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies. People admit that they are unlikely to proactively seek out information unless it is of personal relevance, such as being directly affected by an illness, but would be open to reading it if it was more readily available to them.

However, there are signs of a consistent shift in public opinion from negativity to neutrality on this issue and increased positivity, albeit to a lesser degree. So far in 2021, fewer believe pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK lack transparency than in did in throughout 2020.

Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK…

Are open and transparent about their activities

Are open and transparent about medicine pricing

Last modified: 20 September 2023

Last reviewed: 20 September 2023